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Personal Fitness Training with Marilyn

Correcting muscle imbalances

Unfortunately, many of the clients I see in my massage practice suffer from muscle imbalances. While massage can alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by a muscle imbalance, it isn’t a long-term solution. By working together, I can help identify the source of your muscle imbalances, and create a personalized training program to strengthen the affected areas.

Certified fitness coaching in Concord, NH
Back Massage

What are muscle imbalances?

Muscle groups that are stronger, weaker, or tighter than an opposing set of muscles create imbalances. These often occur around joints or areas of the body that are most mobile—including the hips, knees, and shoulders. Common causes include: inactivity, bad posture, repetitive daily activities, natural physical development, an unbalanced fitness routine, or exercising with poor form.

Develop strength & correct muscle imbalances that cause injuries.

Certified Strength Coach, Personal Trainer, and Sports Nutrition Specialist in Concord, NH

As a licensed massage therapist, I have treated clients with muscle imbalances for over ten years. To help my clients address the source of their pain and injuries, I became a certified strength coach, personal trainer, and sports nutrition specialist. A long-term runner and fitness enthusiast, I have experienced the benefits of personal fitness training firsthand and look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with you. Contact me today to get started.

Personal Training in Concord, NH
Marilyn training a client in a personal training session.

One-on-one Fitness Coaching in Concord, NH

I’m thrilled to be able to offer private fitness training services to my massage clients at my Concord, New Hampshire office. During these one-on-one sessions, we’ll develop a fitness program geared toward your specific needs and goals.

Are you interested in becoming stronger and healthier?


Does a lack of energy prevent you from getting started with a fitness routine?


Is limited mobility or pain preventing you from living an active, enjoyable life?


Are you experiencing instability with some types of movement?

If any of the above applies to you, I’d love to work with you. I am accepting a limited number of clients. All sessions will take place in my training room, right at my massage practice.

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